Californian Subject 2
Curated by UN-SdA

Salomon Anaya, Peppi Bottrop, Morgan Canavan, Hildegarde Duane/David Lamelas, Julia Eichler, Fabian Ginsberg, Alex Heilbron, Anne Imhof, Sam Lewitt


"In the seemingly endless extended reproduction of capital or in the cycle of its accumulation-supporting metamorphoses of the form of value there is a gap which is temporarily bridged by imaginary, insubstantial value, and this twice: The lack of demand is substituted by credit in an order of magnitude which can no longer be redeemed; but since this thus illusory-realized value is not sufficient for the advance costs of the next round of production (use of machines, labor, etc.), these must also be substituted by credit in an order of magnitude that is also no longer redeemable. Although, superficially, the cycle of capital continues, a black hole yawns between the past and the future of the value substance.“
—Robert Kurz

UN-SdA is a collective with an unfettered practice and a shared authorship founded in 2018.